Custom Orders

If you wish to order a product from Devine Educational Consultancy Services, yet DO NOT wish to use the online store, the following may assist you:

1) ONLY ENTIRE COURSES can be custom ordered. (Eg: Yr 7 & 8 Geography Blackline Masters, yet NOT  The Geographies of Interconnections or Yr 9 & 10 History Blackline Masters, yet NOT WWII.)

2) EMAIL DECS with the details of the product requested (Eg: Food Technology Blackline Masters)

3) Whether you wish the product to be produced on USB or CD.


5) The school ORDER NUMBER (an invoice will be sent with the goods) OR if this is a private order, payment must be made to DECS bank account (provided to you upon request) before goods are sent. Please note, school orders WILL NOT be processed without an ORDER NUMBER.

With many thanks for your consideration. Please contact DECS if you have any queries.