Akhenaten Resource Book 3rd Edition
Akhenaten Resource Book 3rd Edition
This unit “Akhenaten ” is suitable for students in the senior years of high school. It is relevant to the current NSW, QLD and Victorian Curricula.
The resource book has a strong focus on literacy, both general and subject specific. It contains current syllabus content in dot-point format, word finds, glossary lists, vocabulary, word jumbles, cloze passages, true/false activities, extended writing, research tasks and a large range of source and evidence-based materials to challenge analytical skills.
It is relevant to high school teachers or students studying alone.
Pps: 229
Egyptian Time Periods
About the New Kingdom Period
The Nature and Range of Sources
The Pharaoh, Amun and the Priesthood
The Building Program of Amenhotep III
Queen Tiye
Akhenaten’s Foreign Policy
The Great Hymn to Aten
The Building Program of Akhenaten
Akhetaten, the New City
The Artistic Revolution of Akhenaten
The Amarna Letters
The Amarna Tombs
Representations of Nefertiti
Co-Regency Theories
The End of the Amarna Revolution
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